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20211120 Gravity Capital Partners (GCP) Launching Ceremony

The Launch of Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

A passionate attempt to drive positive impact through investment and management


(20 November 2021) – Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited (Gravity) organised its Launch Ceremony today at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong in Pacific Place, Hong Kong, marking an important milestone in the company’s development in impact investment and management. Gravity’s Co-founders Mr. Eric Yip, Mr. Edmond Wong and Mr. James Leung, joined by other company directors, officiated the ceremony and announced the official launch, aiming to realise the vision of “Impact tor Life” to support the betterment of Hong Kong. More than 120 guests, including leaders in finance, banking, innovation and technology, social services and ESG sectors, witnessed and celebrated the special moment of Gravity.

Addressing the audience in the welcoming speech, Gravity’s Chairman Mr. Eric Yip shared his journey from supporting the CUHK I-Care Program and the CUSE Fund back in 2015, to establishing Gravity today. He was thrilled to witness the emergence of new impact businesses and the evolution of impact ecosystem in Hong Kong. After the welcoming speech, special guests were invited to join Gravity’s team on stage in a toast to the success of Gravity. Dr. David Chung Wai-keung, the Under Secretary of Innovation and Technology Bureau, HKSAR Government, also shared his views about the importance of impact investing in Hong Kong after the toast.

Ir. Dr. Alan Lam, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Gravity, then introduced Gravity to all guests, sharing the company’s vision to drive positive impact through investment and management while mitigating potential negative implications brought about by projects.

Mr. Ken Ching, Founder of Locobike, and Ms. Irene Au, Founder of KALOS, also introduced their impact enterprises to all guests. After explaining their company’s visions and missions, both founders expressed their views on the local impact investment scene and how they could contribute to the betterment of Hong Kong. Through collaboration with industry players, such as Gravity, both speakers envisioned accelerating the growth of impact ecosystem for driving impact at larger scale in the coming years.

At the end of the Ceremony, Mr. James Leung, one of the Co-founders of Gravity, shared his experiences in impact investment and management, highlighting the core values of Gravity in impact-driven investing with a Hong Kong focus.




About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



Tel: (852) 3188 9698


Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

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