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20230922-23 Gravity supports CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2023

(22-23 Sept 2023) – Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited (Gravity) supports a series of activities of CUHK Entrepreneur day. It is an annual event for the Chinese University of Hong Kong to nurture entrepreneurs and startups. Our Managing Partners and CTO Ir Prof Alan Lam serves CUHK to organise the series of activities.

Gravity founder Mr Eric Yip and Managing partners and CTO Ir Prof Alan Lam welcome our honourable guest Secretary of ITIB Prof Sun Dong in CUHK Entrepreneur day opening ceremony.

Before the opening ceremony, Alan offers a tour for Secretary of ITIB Prof Sun Dong to visit different booths and talk to deep tech teams from CUHK.

Visiting two CUHK unicorns Smartmore and SenseTime booths

On the other hand, Ms Cally Chan, General Manager of HK and a Macau of Microsoft accepted Alan’s invitation on behalf of CUHK to deliver a keynote speech related how Generative AI affects our life.

Then Eric and Alan joined the networking lunch and shared Gravity’s vision to CUHK management and alumni.

with the arrangement of ORKTS of CUHK, Alan represented Gravity to give some feedback and tips to different teams for RAISe+ applications.

On 23rd Sept, 2023, Alan shared our collaboration with Shanghai Lingang Group about how this strategic partnership to support HK deep tech companies from universities in HK to develop business for china market and then go global.

This is a on-site event with internet connection between HK and Shanghai about the collaboration and support from two sides.

The activities in CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2023 were successful and Gravity satisfies the achievement to nurture the entrepreneurs and bring impact to our society. We definitely will support such kind of event in the future.



About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in April, 2020 and launched on 20th Nov, 2021 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



Tel: (852) 3188 9698


Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

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