20230331 Gravity congratulates locobike to support HK government for green mobility
Congratulations to Locobike on supporting the Transport Department to launch the shared Pedal Assist Electric Bike pilot trial on 31st March 2023.
This 12-month trial on shared use of electric mobility devices on the cycle track section at Pak Shek Kok between MTR University Station and Mayfair by the Sea will be held from tomorrow until 30 March 2024. Jointly held by Locolla (LocoBike) and Transport department, the trial aims to gather more operating experience for the shared use of power-assisted pedal cycles (PAPCs) for short-distance commuting on cycle tracks between a workplace/living area and a major transport hub. Under a one-off arrangement for the trial, the shared PAPCs provided by LocoBike will be affixed with permits issued by the Department. Members of the public who did not pre-register will not be permitted to take part in the trial. (For details, please refer to news.gov.hk)

News articles and publications
【共享單車】香港首回試行共享電動輔助單車 合資格人士須持車牌 – 香港經濟日報 – TOPick – 新聞 – 社會 – D230331 (hket.com)
運輸署3.31起於白石角推共享電動單車試驗計劃 參與者須事先報名 (hk01.com)
運輸署3.31起在白石角單車徑開展共享電動單車試驗 參加者須事先登記 | 星島日報 (stheadline.com)
運輸署與樂區踩3·31日起在白石角單車徑進行共享電動單車試驗–香港商報 (hkcd.com)
運輸署明起在白石角單車徑 開展1年共享電動單車試驗 | 頭條 – 香港中通社 (hkcna.hk)
香港政府新聞網 – 共享電動可移動工具試驗明展開 (news.gov.hk)
運輸署3.31起在白石角單車徑開展共享電動單車試驗 參加者須事先登記 (stheadline.com)
共享電動輔助單車試驗計劃 明起白石角單車徑試行1年 | am730
About locolla Limited:
Locolla currently is the unique operator of shared-bike (called locobike) in HK. Locobike serves hk citizens by good quality shared-bike rental service since Oct 2017. By adopting IoT technology with in-house Clould-based IT system, a smart lock with BLE (Bluetooth low energy), GPS and M2M module are equipped in the locobike. The smart lock can communicate with the user-friendly locobike super app that can provide searching bike, bike unlock, weather info, transportation info, payment and other activities info. For more information, pls visit their official website: https://locolla.com/
About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited
Gravity was founded in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 3188 9698
Website: https://gravitycp.com/
Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong