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20220917 Gravity supports the Seminar of Smart City for All – Inclusive Challenges

Gravity Director and CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam shared his view about inclusive smart investment for ALL in SE Lab @Central and Western District 2022 at 4:20pm on Sat, 17/9/2022/.

Speakers of the session 4: Inclusive Smart Investment for All

Ir Dr Alan Lam shared how to balance both financial return and social impact for inclusive Smart City. He shared one supported project is for Green Mobility that provide shared-bike for end users for last mile travelling. Mr Anthony Cheung, Supervisory Board Member of World Benchmark Alliance (WBA) followed to share the ESG and SDG investing for inclusive Smart City. Ms Alice So, Head of Entrepreneurship, Cyberport shared the co-investment project with Gravity called Wada Bento about how to make use of FoodTech to make the City Smarter. Ir Dr Alan Lam followed to supplement the impact model of Wada Bento to support underprivileged in Shum Shi Po which is matching SDG02: Zero Hunger. Ir Dr Alan Lam highlighted the project with good social impact, in fact, can be able to have good financial return. Alice echoed and shared another co-investment project called Alfred24 to provide green solution for the last mile logistic to provide lower cost to end user and much lower carbon emission solution to support green smart city to achieve SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Alan then shared another co-investment project with SiP about co-living that can also support SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Ms Lillian Li, Executive Director of Social Impact Partner served as the facilitator then echo and asked Alice about what other project supported by Cyberport. Alice shared the smart mirror project that is listed in Austria and aims to provide a smart mirror for supporting sport and exercise indoor. The sharing was end by the summary concluded by Lillian.

Sharing about Experience in Technology for Good and Impact Investing by Ir Dr Alan Lam, Director and CTO of Gravity Capital Parnters.

There is a breakout session about six pillars for inclusive smart city. Ir Dr Alan Lam was assigned to discuss about Inclusive Smart Economy. The team proposed that Smart Economic supports by eco-system. Hong Kong aims to be the Centre for International Innovation and Technology. The Eco-system should consist of impact investor to support innovation and technology companies who aim to serve Smart City for all. It is suggested that Government should take the lead and from top to down to support this eco-system. Some incentive schemes such as Fund for success and incentive for impact investors are proposed for government to consider. Most importantly, a impact measurement and management scheme is needed to measure the impact and financial return to give a clear data for balancing the social impact and financial return in order to support the eco-system better.

Ir Dr Alan Lam shared the proposal about Smart Economic for Hong Kong

Introduction about the event:
With the existence of the smart city concept, the use of information and communications technology (ICT) becomes more frequent and common. According to the Hong Kong government, the Smart City Blueprint 2.0 including hundreds of initiatives and digital infrastructure projects was set to improve citizens’ living quality. While most of the citizens have already benefited from the government’s new public services and resources, the disadvantaged community may be lacking behind including almost 2 million people with disability and elderly in HK. Some unpredictable challenges they may face, such as the confusing navigation information of common facilities like hospitals and bus stops, inaccessible website information and neglected potential business opportunities out of their basic needs.
Sponsored by Home Affair Bureau, HKSAR Government, SE Lab 2022 @CWD aims to reveal this neglected demand and help the respective stakeholders in overcoming the obstacles. This is also a good milestone to consolidate experience of anti-pandemic crisis to strengthen a resilient Inclusive Smart City collectively.
We plan to bring in speakers from different areas to share their own innovative ideas and strategies as well as representatives from listed companies, chambers of commerce, professional organizations, social innovation institutions and community leaders to brainstorm solutions for a smart city for all.

Facilitator: Ms Lillian Li, Executive Director of Social Impact Partner
a. Mr Anthony Cheung, Board Member of World Benchmark Alliance
b. Ms Alice So, Head of Entrepreneurship, Cyber Port
c. Ir Dr Alan Lam, Director & CTO of Gravity Capital Partners

Organiser: Social Enterprise Summit
Co-organiser: I Enterprise Foundation
Sponsor: Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HKSAR Government)
Venue Sponsor: HKEX Foundation

Social Enterprise Summit (SES) is an annual series of non-profit events and programmes, aiming at advocating social innovation and entrepreneurship for positive change, by collaborating efforts of over 20 organisations across the civil, business, Government and academic sectors, with profound support from the Hong Kong SAR Government. Since its inception in 2008, SES has become a highly-acclaimed platform, with the flagship International Symposium gathering over 70 world-renowned speakers annually. Over 4,000 delegates from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asia and beyond attended the International Symposium in 2021. For further details, please visit our website.

Community-based Entrepreneurship Programme – Since 2014, SES have also adopted a community-based approach to take social innovation and social entrepreneurship out of the conference rooms into local districts. An array of Community-based Entrepreneurship Programmes, including Social Entrepreneurship Labs, School Talks and Workshops, Social Enterprise Bazaar, Community Carnival, Community Tours, and Social Entrepreneurship Training Programmes, are to take place between July 2022 and March 2023 in 10 local districts, namely Central & Western District, Kowloon City, Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Southern District, Wan Chai, Tai Po, Tuen Mun, Yau Tsim Mong and Yuen Long.




About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



Tel: (852) 3188 9698


Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong


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