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20230523 Gravity supports HKUST Unicorn Day cum Startup Showcase

Gravity supports HKUST Unicorn Day cum Startup Showcase on 23 May 2023 at HKUST Clear Water Bay Campus

To create synergy among the HKUST startup community and showcase our high-calibre startups’ products and solutions, The HKUST Unicorn Day cum Startup Showcase is one of their signature events with over 700 target participants across various industries, bringing like-minded innovators, potential investors, and industry stakeholders will gather for collaboration opportunities and insight exchanges. For more information about the event, please visit Unicorn Day 2023 – Home | Entrepreneurship Centre – The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (


Gravity CP’s Managing Partner and CTO, Ir Prof Alan Lam and our portfolio company Belun Technology CEO, Dr Lydia Leung shared in the HKUST Unicorn Day.

At the recent HKUST Unicorn Day, our Managing Partner and CTO, Ir Prof Alan Lam, was invited to participate in a panel discussion on the topic of “Unicorn hunting: What it takes to build the next billion-dollar startup from a university campus”. During the discussion, Alan provided insights into the essential factors required for creating a successful startup from a university campus, along with the challenges and opportunities that arise along the way. 

Gravity distinguishes itself from other venture capital firms through its focus on impact investing. As Ir Prof Alan Lam emphasized, Gravity is committed to driving positive social and environmental impact while also generating a sustainable return on investment. By investing in companies that align with our values, Gravity aims to make a tangible difference in the world while also achieving financial success. Ir Prof Alan Lam’s contribution to the panel discussion highlighted Gravity’s unique approach to investing and its unwavering dedication to creating a positive impact in the startup ecosystem.

Moreover, Dr Lydia Leung, the CEO of  Belun Technology, shared her entrepreneurial journey and how HKUST played a significant role in supporting her endeavours. The moderator of the event, Prof Jack Lau, acknowledged Belun and Dr Leung’s accomplishments and the positive impact they have had on both HKUST and society as a whole. For more information about Belun technology, please visit: Belun Technology – Shed light on your sleep

The event witnessed the participation of over 30 fast-growing startups, showcasing their innovative solutions. Distinguished scholars, unicorn companies, and listed companies’ founders shared their expertise, experiences, and challenges, making the event a rich knowledge-sharing platform.

During the event, Alan also had the opportunity to visit one of our portfolio companies, Locobike. We extend our congratulations to Locobike on the successful launch of Hong Kong’s first electric-assisted shared bike pilot programme, in collaboration with the Transport Department. Mr. Ken Ching, the Founder and CEO of Locobike and an HKUST alumnus, expressed his excitement about the recent progress made in the AI and machine learning system for Locobike’s operation and management automation. For more information about Locobike and its parent company, Locolla Limited, please visit – Locolla-locobike

Alan also met with Mr. Markus Cheung, the co-founder of Meat the Next, who is also an HKUST alumnus, and Mr. Jimmy Tao, the founding president of HKSTP SAA, during this significant event at HKUST. The event offered a great opportunity to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones within the startup ecosystem. For more information about Meat the Next, please visit Meat the Next – Save the Planet (




About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



Tel: (852) 3188 9698


Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong


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