20230324 Introduction to Common Farms

Introduction to Common Farms Common Farms: Hong Kong’s first soil-based indoor farm that grows specialty fresh produce for Michelin chefs, five star hotels and health-conscious consumers. They are transforming Hong Kong’s import-dependent food system to one that is local-first while minimising food waste due to transportation and storage. Co-Founder of…

20230318 Gravity Impact Fellows Gathering

The Gravity Impact Fellows Gathering (18th March 2023) – With over 120 guests joining the Gravity Impact Fellows Gathering on 18th March, 2023 in a private club at Kowloon, Gravity has successfully hosted the event to share the progress after the launching ceremony on 20th Nov, 2021. After a year of…

20221022 Gravity congratulates Common Farms on launching the RE:FARM project through partnering with K11 MUSEA and Nespresso

Congratulations to Common Farms on launching the RE:FARM project on 22nd Oct, 2022 through the partnership with K11 MUSEA and Nespresso. Gravity appreciates Common Farms’ great effort in creating sustainable communities which is one of our three impact themes. To raise public awareness on sustainability, the Founder of Common Farms,…