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20230324 Introduction to Locolla/Locobike

Introduction to Locolla (Locobike)

Locobike: A unique shared-bike operator in HK with big data and AI capabilities for smart mobility. Locolla is the only shared-bike operator in HK at the moment. With the newly developed machine-learning based dockless shared-bike management platform, the business is transformed from a Shared-bike operator to Data-tech company for shared-bike management. The team is now looking to offer MaaS solutions for the wider green mobility market.

Founder of Locolla, Mr Ken Ching shared about their project in Gravity Impact Fellows Gathering on 18th March, 2023

Video of the sharing by Mr Ken Ching from Locobike




About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in 2020 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



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