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20221120 Gravity Capital Partners (GCP) celebrates its first anniversary

Thanks for all partners to support Gravity in the past year!

Today marks the first anniversary of Gravity Capital Partners after launching on 20th Nov, 2021, and three of us wanted to look back at the last twelve months to highlight the progress Gravity has made with our team’s efforts together with support from our partners. We are humble to confirm over 10 investments in 2022. We are very proud of what we have achieved together and wanted to take this opportunity to share some thoughts and key areas of focus as we move forward in our exciting journey.

Gravity has developed our first impact investment measurement and management (im2) system successfully that enabled an effective review process for over 300 projects in past 12 months. As a tech-based impact investment company, we focus on hk-driven impact projects with target in healthcare, food, living and logistic as well as education and environmental projects. Our founder-first philosophy gains the respect from startups and scale-up companies as well as our partners. Our investees appreciate our value-added support such as business network, tech enabling, advisory and mentorship.

On the other hand, it’s our pleasure to share our view for impact investment and policy in hk to HKSAR government, industrial associations, social enterprises and startup incubators. We will continue to build on their trust and demonstrate with clear actions to support hk impact eco-system. Our strong belief in developing local impact projects is our mission. We aim to be the most reliable and trusted advisor for their operations.

We would like to congratulate our team for the prompt integration efforts. We successfully built up the Co-investment partnership with HKSTP, Cyberport and City University of Hong Kong. We need to keep our best effort to co-build the impact eco-system to support hk in changing demographics, youth empowerment and sustainable community.

With the progress in the first year, we believe that Gravity will bring bigger positive impact to hk and society in the coming years. Once again, we would like to thank all the partners, founders, and colleagues for your great effort to make gravity better.

Best regards

Edmond, Eric, James

Co-founders of Gravity capital partners Co. Ltd

20th Nov, 2022

(First anniversary after Gravity launching)




About Gravity Capital Partners Company Limited

Gravity was founded in 2020 and launched on 20th Nov, 2021 in Hong Kong. It is a passionate initiative to drive impact through investment and management. By nurturing local impact businesses while creating synergy with different stakeholders, Gravity strives to build a better impact ecosystem in Hong Kong.



Tel: (852) 3188 9698


Address: Room 1802, Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

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