20221022 Gravity congratulates Common Farms on launching the RE:FARM project through partnering with K11 MUSEA and Nespresso

Congratulations to Common Farms on launching the RE:FARM project on 22nd Oct, 2022 through the partnership with K11 MUSEA and Nespresso. Gravity appreciates Common Farms’ great effort in creating sustainable communities which is one of our three impact themes. To raise public awareness on sustainability, the Founder of Common Farms,…

20220921 Gravity supports Directors’ Conference 2022

Gravity Director and CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam served as panel member in Leading-Edge Strategy Panel: “Fusion of People, Ideas and Technology” to share about innovation and digital transformation at 10am on Wed, 21/9/2022/. Ir Dr Alan Lam pointed out that the current economic is knowledge based economic. The most…

20220917 Gravity supports the Seminar of Smart City for All – Inclusive Challenges

Gravity Director and CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam shared his view about inclusive smart investment for ALL in SE Lab @Central and Western District 2022 at 4:20pm on Sat, 17/9/2022/. Speakers of the session 4: Inclusive Smart Investment for All Ir Dr Alan Lam shared how to balance both financial…

20220827 Gravity supports Kwun Tong Youth Development Forum

Gravity Director and CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam encourages young people to pursue their dream with passion in Kwun Tong Youth Development Forum on Sat, 27/8/2022. Youth empowerment is one of Gravity’s impact theme. In order to support young generation, our members joined different events and community services to promote…

20220623 Publication about Gravity-CityU MoU Signing Ceremony

Gravity Founder, Mr. Eric Yip signed the MoU with Mr Sunny Lee, VP of CityU on Wednesday, 22/6/2022. Seven newspapers and magazine reported the ceremony as follow:   StartUpBeat 本地基金年擲1500萬 撐城大創業團隊 – StartUpBeat (hkej.com)       CityU Press Release (本港創投基金及科技企業參與城大HK Tech 300 每年額外投入至少1,500萬元天使基金支持年輕人創業 | 香港城市大學 (cityu.edu.hk)) – THE END –…

20220526 Gravity supports HK Tech 300 and joined Mentor Appreciation Ceremony cum Mentor-mentee Meet-up

CityU HK Tech 300 Mentor Appreciation Ceremony cum Mentor-mentee Meet-up Gravity Director and CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam serves as a mentor in CityU HK Tech 300 and joined the Mentor Appreciation cum Mentor-mentee Meet-up:   For more information about the event, pls feel free to refer to CityU HK Tech…

20220515 Gravity CTO shared his view in TVB about Shared-bike market in HK

Gravity CTO, Ir Dr Alan Lam, shared his view about shared-bike market in HK in TVB Finance magazine programme on Sunday, 15/5/2022. To watch the programme, pls refer to TVB official link: [HERE] Ir Dr Alan Lam, Adjunct Professor of CUHK and CityU, is the director and CTO of Gravity…